I Got My Hair Cut!

Past all those uncertainties, I now have short hair – ruffled and fun. Yay to that!

So I realize that getting a haircut is all that I needed to elevate my spirits – I feel new, optimistic and like someone who can change the world. I feel up.

And in that spirit, I am embarrassed at my previous blog posts where I say I will abstain from reaching out. Isn’t that simply ridiculous? Well, I realize it is. You can imagine the things these exams are doing to me.

I will now reach out, spread my message of Love and not wait for life to pick me. Damn I feel powerful.

Why don’t I just delete all those post and start afresh? I could. But why? What have I got to hide? My vulnerability maybe. But some wise person once said “Strength is in being vulnerable and here I am.

I am vulnerable and I am myself on the journey of acquainting myself with Blogging.

Haha I have more posts about Blogging than Blogs itself.

Cheers to being who you are in all honesty and beauty!


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